Diaspora Interview: Radio Habana Cuba

Radio Havana Cuba (Radio Habana Cuba) is the official government-run international broadcasting station of Cuba.  Our Founder, Kasara Davidson, has interviewed with the station on two occasions, as of date.

1st Interview 

Interview: April 6, 2019

Broadcasted: April 8, 2019

Journalist: Isis Maria Allen

Radio Presenter: Kevin Jones

Translator & Interpreter: Gisela Moreno

Kasara Davidson discussed the premiere of Diner En Blanc (DEB) in Havana, a worldwide event in which people have a meal dressed in white in a temporary, public dining setup. One of Cuba’s most popular hotels, Hotel Nacional, was the venue selected for the gathering and hosted nearly 500 international guests on Saturday, April 13, 2019. 

2nd Interview 

Interview: July 31, 2019

Broadcasted: August 16, 2019

Journalist: Isis Maria Allen

Radio Presenter: Kevin Jones

Translator & Interpreter: Gisela Moreno

Kasara Davidson discussed recent regulation changes by the Trump Administration which affect US citizens who want to visit Cuba. She described our then-upcoming Programs, Fitness & Wellness En La Habana (Public Program) and Trinity School Delegation (Private Program) and explained the types of legal travel licenses for Cuba. 

Diaspora Notable Mention: NBC News - Step-by-Step

A story covering the journey of our dance school partners, Pasion Caribeña, in Habana Vieja (Old Havana). Our partners teach the steps and stories behind different forms of Cuban dance like son, salsa and folkloric, to our clients. This article showcases our 2016 Study Abroad Program with one of our institutional clients, the University of Baltimore, that participated in group dance classes.

“The dance school has partnerships with local hotels and casa particulares (private accommodations) as well as a dance school in Switzerland. It also works with U.S. based businesses like Diaspora Enterprise Solutions [now known as Diaspora Travel & Trade], which bring groups of American citizens to Cuba on cultural and educational programs.

Having both local and international partnerships has allowed Pasion Caribeña to expand its client base rather quickly with students from around the world. “For us it’s incredible. We have people from America now, Germany, Chinese people, Japan, around the world. For us it’s amazing,” Stable said.

Lima’s goal is to open two more dance schools in Havana in just a few months and then expand the Pasion Caribeña brand to other provinces on the island.”

Diaspora Interview: NBC News - Africa in the Americas

Diaspora Travel & Trade brought a group of Black professionals to Havana to experience the Cuban history, culture and everyday life through a vibrant Afro-Cuban lens and our clients were interviewed about their first experiences on the island. Our Founder, Kasara Davidson, also describes the full range of our services and clientele while discussing the African presence in Cuba. “I would describe Cuba as one word: alive…Africa is everywhere in Cuba. Africa is in the music, its in the people, its in the food, its in the rhythms, its in the language. Afro-Cuban is Cuba.” Watch the full video interview below.

*Note: This video quotes us as DiasporaES.  We changed our name to Diaspora Travel & Trade in 2017.