Pictured Above: 11th Annual Conference on Labor Rights - Havana, Cuba
Our Founder & Managing Director Kasara E. Davidson, Esq. is a Social Entrepreneur, Corporate Attorney, Sustainable Travel & Trade Consultant, Author, and Public Speaker, specializing in the commercial and cultural activities of Black and Indigenous communities of the “Americas.”
She has over a decade of corporate legal experience, and 20 years of presentation experience and consulting experience in business development and program/project management. Since founding Diaspora in early 2015, she has developed numerous projects and programs for clients in various industries.
Kasara is available for speaking engagements, interviews, and workshops and can customize presentations and materials to meet specified objectives and the audience.
If you would like to book Kasara or want additional information, please contact us Here.
Please see below for information about previous presentations and publication.
Click here to view her LinkedIn
The Association of American Jurists and Association of Latin American Labor Lawyers
Expert Topics Covered: Corporation Formation, US-Cuba Business Law and Structure
9th and 11th Annual Conference on Labor Rights
April 7, 2018 – April 15, 2018 | Havana, Cuba
An annual international conference in Cuba that provides professional research and networking opportunities for labor and employment professionals from across the globe, to critically think and discuss labor movements, law, and reforms.
Summary of Presentation (2018): How do we understand what a corporation is? How and why are corporations protected by the Constitution? How has it developed in America? How does American culture and history influence business institutions? This 4-page research paper and oral presentation, critically analyzed these questions, and discussed the evolution of the concepts of Human Citizenship/Personhood and Corporate Personhood in the United States of America from Colonization to the early 20th century.
industry expert panel
Oh The People You Meet
Expert Topics Covered: Cuban Art, Artists, and Preservation Efforts of Historic Sites
Art of Cuban Culture
May 16, 2017 | New York, New York
An installment in an public event series by a global editorial content site that gathered Cuban industry experts to discuss preservation of Cuban arts.
Summary of Presentation: Contribution to a Cuba expert panel in the discussion of Cuban fine and performing arts and artists, research of the UNESCO historic city centers and sustainable organizations that are working to preserve the Cuban arts.
University of Iowa College of Law
Expert Topics Covered: US and Cuba Business Law and Culture
10th Annual Commemorative Lutie A. Lytle Black Women Law Faculty Writing Workshop
July 6, 2016 – July 12, 2016 | Washington, DC
A professional writing retreat for Black women legal scholars held at University of Iowa College of Law.
Summary of Presentation: What is a cooperation? How is it developed differently in US and in Cuba? How does the culture of these two societies impact its cooperation law? An 1 hour and 15 minute presentation titled “Corporate Law & Governance Presentation entitled “US Cooperatives y Cuban Cooperativos: An Analysis of the Relationship Between Law and Culture” and Q&A of cooperative businesses (a private business organization that is owned and controlled by the people who use its products, supplies or services) in the US and Cuba.
The Association of American Jurists and Association of Latin American Labor Lawyers
9th International Conference on Labor Rights
Presentation Title: “Welcome to Temp Town: Discussing the Unprecedented Changes in the Provision of Legal Services and the Possibilities for New Forms of Labor Organization”
March 5, 2015| Havana, Cuba - Hotel Nacional De Cuba
The Living Well
Expert Topics Covered: US-Cuba Relations, Historical and Contemporary, Explanation Of Recent Legislative Changes
Exploring U.S-Cuba Relations Through Cultural Exchange
May 31, 2015 | Location: Baltimore, MD - The Living Well
A public informational discussion on the role of Cuban culture in US-Cuba relations at a community development organization.
Summary of Presentation: How did the US Embargo against Cuba happen? What is it? How has each country responded? How has it impacted the citizens and governments of both nations? A 1 hour presentation and discussion on the legal and cultural elements and effects of the US Embargo against Cuba, recent legislative changes, and a view of the cultural perspectives that underscore the changes in the law of both nations.
Institute For Current World Affairs
Presentation Title: “Law & Culture: A US-Cuba Example”
Institute For Current World Affairs Symposium: Focus on Cuba
June 6, 2015 | Location: Washington, DC - Cosmos Club
A international symposium gathering researchers, scholars, diplomats, and industry professionals, to discuss the political and social state of US and Cuba.
Summary of Presentation: Contribution to a 4-person expert panel discussing US-Cuba normalization with a focus on art, culture, law, and the environment.
Annual Association of Black Sociologists Conference
Presentation Title: Corporations and Personhood: The Evolution from the US Perspective”
44th Annual Association of Black Sociologists Conference
October 23-25, 2014 | Charlotte, NC
An annual conference gathering scholars and community members to discuss the selected theme of a pressing sociology issue.
Summary of Presentation: A paper that explored the paralleled legal and cultural evolution of the concept of the Corporation and the concept of Personhood in the United States of America from the formation of the Dutch West India Company charted on June 3, 1621 to the Supreme Court’s recent ruling in the Burwell v. Hobby Lobby case on June 30, 2014.
Entitled: Legal Grounds: Sexual and Reproductive Rights in African Commonwealth Courts Volume II
Published by: The Center For Reproductive Rights
Entitled: “Report of the United States Delegation to The Association of American Jurists and Association of Latin American Labor Lawyers.”
Presented at: 3rd & 4th International Conference on the Role of Unions and Labor Lawyers in Protecting Social Security and the 10th & 11th Bilateral Research Exchange among Labor Lawyers, Trade Unionists, Neutrals and Scholars
Havana, Cuba, February 2009; Havana & Pinar del Río, Cuba, March 2010
Entitled: “The Key Agreed Principles to Strengthen Corporate Governance for U.S. Publicly Traded Companies”
Published by: The National Association of Corporate Directors