We love assisting people experience the life-changing nature of travel. And we are committed to curating engaging, immersive, unique, AND affordable travel Programs & Projects. Therefore, in addition to our affordable prices, we show our clients love with our various Discounts & Rebates.
By combining Discounts & Rebates that are applicable to your Program or Project, as detailed in your Program Info Packet, you can save hundreds, and in some instances also make donations to communities that you engage with.
See below for more info, and refer to your Program Info Packet for full details about the Discounts & Rebates available to you.
DISCOUNTS: Clients who complete all of the steps to receive one or more Discounts associated with their Program or Project will receive the Discount(s) immediately reflected in their Program Price.
Early Bird Registration Discount
: Savings Range $100-$300USD
Make the Early Deposit Payment, complete and submit the Registration Packet, and make the remaining payments by the applicable deadlines.
Steps to Save:
Make the Early Bird Payment by the Early Bird Payment Deadline
Make the Pre-Registration Payment by the Pre-Registration Payment Deadline
Make the Registration Deposit Payment and complete the Registration Packet by the Deposit Payment Deadline
Make any other installment payments by the respective due dates
full payment discount: savINGS RANGE $200-$300USD
Make the Pre-Registration Payment, complete and submit the Registration Packet, and pay the outstanding balance by the applicable deadlines.
Steps to Save:
Make the Pre-Registration Payment by the Pre-Registration Payment Deadline
Pay the outstanding amount and complete the Registration Packet by the Deposit Payment Deadline
Pre-PROGRAM/PROJECT Activity Participation DISCOUNT:
SavINGS RANGE $100-$200USD
From virtual and in person presentations and discussions to posting about what you expect from your travels or other Diaspora curated experience - we offer opportunities for discounts when you participate in a specified number of activities prior to your Program or Project. These activities are designed for us to learn about the history, life, and culture of your location in an effort to enrich and inform your experience, travels, and engagements. We also want to meet fellow globetrotters and just have some fun. In addition to your participation, you must submit the Registration Packet and make all payments by the applicable deadlines.
Steps to Save:
Make the Pre-Registration Payment by the Pre-Registration Payment Deadline
Make the Registration Deposit Payment and complete the Registration Packet by the Deposit Payment Deadline
Make any other installment payments by the respective due dates
Participate in the specified number of Pre-Program/Project Activities in the allotted time, as detailed in your Program Info Packet
DIASPORA Friends & Family Discount:
savings range $100-$200USD
This is offered to members of the Diaspora Network including our previous clients, friends, family, and business associates. You must have a Discount Code, and submit the Registration Packet and make all payments by the applicable deadlines.
Steps to Save:
Make the Pre-Registration Payment by the Pre-Registration Payment Deadline
Make the Registration Deposit Payment and complete the Registration Packet by the Deposit Payment Deadline – Must enter Discount Code in Registration Packet
Make any other installment payments by the respective due dates
REBATES: Clients who complete all of the steps to receive one or more Rebates associated with their Program or Project will receive the Rebate(s) reimbursement no later than 4 months from the end date of the Program or Project.
Social Media Campaign Rebate:
Savings range $50-$100USD
Create simple and quick social media posts before, during, and after your Program or Project. We’ve created an easy-to-follow posting guide – The Social Media Campaign Guidelines. Don’t forget to tag Diaspora Travel & Trade!
Steps to Save:
Make the Pre-Registration Payment by the Pre-Registration Payment Deadline
Make the Registration Deposit Payment and complete the Registration Packet by the Deposit Payment Deadline
Make any other installment payments by the respective due dates
Successfully complete the steps in the Social Media Campaign Guidelines
Donation rebate: Savings rebate $50-$100USD
We encourage mindful, considerate, and sustainable travel - #DecolonizeTravel. We offer a Rebate when you bring items for donation, as detailed in your Program Info Packet.
Steps to Save:
Make the Pre-Registration Payment by the Pre-Registration Payment Deadline
Make the Registration Deposit Payment and complete the Registration Packet by the Deposit Payment Deadline
Make any other installment payments by the respective due dates
Bring the specified dollar amount worth of items to donate - amount detailed in Program Info Packet
Bring the receipt, if applicable
SavINGS RANGE $100-$200USD
From virtual and in person presentations and discussions to posting about your experiences - we offer rebate opportunities when you participate in a specified number of activities after your Program or Project. These activities are designed for us to learn from and share with fellow globetrotters, of course to have fun! and to encourage others to travel.
Steps to Save:
Make the Pre-Registration Payment by the Pre-Registration Payment Deadline
Make the Registration Deposit Payment and complete the Registration Packet by the Deposit Payment Deadline
Make any other installment payments by the respective due dates
Participate in the number of Post-Program/Project Activities in the specified amount of time, as detailed in your Program Info Packet